Sunday, November 1, 2009

my 300th post !!

its such a bummer nowadays , first my laptop got wet . why cause my ceiling is leaking -.- thats why i didnt dare to touch my laptop till now . gah i hope it'll be okay. today was another one . i was suppose to go for the terry fox run event to volunteer for my community hours , and then what happen ohh we cant volunteer cause they have found someone to replace us . so we ended up running . i ran in my slippers ! for the first time ! . all the runners we're giving me this weird look as if i dont have the money to get shoes or something . i thought since we're only volunteering why need shoes rite ?

somehow i wonder why we have to live when its only filled with pain and suffering . everything we do is bout pain and suffering . its freaking annoying . haihh forget what i said .. this is my 300th post ! lol quite little dont you think ? i have no pictures in this com so no pictures today . probably will blog more tomorrow .

xoxo's !

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