Thursday, February 12, 2009


hey !

lol today's valentine's eve . hmmm it seemed like a normal day in my school .

tomorrow's valentine's day . falalalala . hmmm well i dont really expect much but
lol kiddin xD

happy valentines day!! :)
i manage to talk to myra for awhile . :) she seems okay down there .
miss her though . too bad she cant come online to chat .
neways . im gonna follow my mom to service her car in sungai wang i think?.
lol she wants to play badminton with me for some reason . xD
lol there was this cute little girl she was like . you look pretty hahaha xD
dont know whether thats a dare or she really thinks so
lol haha .

hmmm i think thats all im gonna do . oh well :)
life aint fun as it used to be .
as they used to say welcome to REALITY
dumm dummm DUMMM .
well gtg got violin class / piano class


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